Professional Factory Industrial Cleaning Service
by C&C Cleaning and Pressure Washing
C&C Cleaning and Pressure Washing can provide top-quality cleaning for your industrial facility. We have the equipment and expertise to handle the front office, break rooms, bathrooms, warehouse, or even the plant floor itself. Our cleaning experts can create a clean and positive environment for your facility and employees. We can work around your schedule to ensure that your operation stays productive. We also understand the unique safety needs that come along with manufacturing and distribution facilities. We customize our service to you to adhere to your facility’s specific stands and workflow.
We will listen to your needs and create a customized cleaning plan specific to your facility. We will schedule it to best fit the hours of your business operation. Beyond cleaning, we help ensure a safe working environment for your employees.
For A Free Quote – Call Today!
(574) 702-0488
Offering customized cleaning service to food processing plans and facilities
We follow proper FDA-approved cleaning and disinfection procedures for your food processing plant. We understand that failure to follow proper procedures could affect the health of your customers and employees. We can make sure there is no costly product waste from cross contamination.
Offering customer cleaning service for manufacturing facilities
A clean manufacturing facility helps keep employees safe while boosting employee morale. An improperly cleaned workplace can result in accidents or illnesses. We will work with your facility to create a customized cleaning plan and work out with is best for you.
Contact us today about how we can create a specialty cleaning program for your industrial facility today!
(574) 702-0488